In this Privacy Policy, SKEPRI Dominik Miśkiewicz, with its registered office at al. Jana Pawła II 27 00-897 Warsaw, Poland, would like to explain how we process our Users' personal data when they use the SKEPRI Internet Service ("SKEPRI").
All terms used in the SKEPRI Terms and Conditions have the same meaning as in this Privacy Policy.
By "Users" we mean all persons using the Service.
When you first visit the SKEPRI website, you will be asked to consent to our use of cookies in accordance with these terms and conditions.
We include such privacy controls as will give you control over deciding how we process your personal information. You may specify whether you wish to receive direct marketing messages from the SKEPRI website.
Please let us know if the personal information we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights under this Privacy Policy or to contact us about any privacy issues, you may send or submit a request by email at
SKEPRI provides a tool to improve Users' future interview experiences. Skepri does not conduct recruitment for any positions appearing on the main page of the Service.