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Contacts list – Skepri

Contact lists

Sending invitations to every single candidate one by one can be a tiring process. One of the ways to avoid it is by creating a contact list. Contact lists allow you to add contact details to multiple candidates and use them when sending interview invitations. You can create a contact list by:

  • Creating a contacts list manually
  • Creatting a contacts list using a CSV file

Manual approach

When creating a contacts list, you must select the Add contancts manually option to add essential details about the candidates. Remember, that each candidate should be separated from each other using a semicolon. This method is only advised when you want to add a small number of contacts in the shortest time possible; otherwise, we recommend using CSV file approach.

Below, you can see how the final list should be prepared before submission.

CSV approach

The CSV approach requires creating a separate comma-separated file with the required columns. You will usually use one of the spreadsheet software like Excel, Open Office, or similar to make it. For this guide, we will use Open Office, but any tool that can create CSV files will work well.

Firstly, you want to navigate to the editor of your choice and create three mandatory columns – first_names, last_names, and email_addresses These columns are required, but it doesn't mean you cannot have any other columns in a loaded spreadsheet – the residual column will be omitted when loading the contacts.

Once your list is prepared, navigate to File and Save as.... Select where you want to save the file, and from the File type dropdown select .csv. After clicking Save, you will be prompted with an option to select columns separator – you should choose either comma or semicolon. If your editor of choice doesn't provide that option, open the file in any text editor (for example, Word, Open Office, Notepad) and inspect what symbol separates columns from each other.

Next, navigate to Employer panel, then from the left pane, select arrow next to Contacts and click Create new list button. Then, on the new page, you should select Add contacts using CSV. From that point, you must attach the file to Upload CSV and select column separator that you've set up (or identified using text editor) in the previous step. Once that is successfully done, you will be redirected to contacts page where you will be able to see the name of your newly created list. From that point onwards you can use this list to send interview invitations to multiple email addresses at once.